Hey! English is an extremely useful language for communication and there’s nothing more engaging than talking about ourselves!

Today we bring you an interesting oral activity to practice with your 4th ESO or Bachillerato students.

Card Example

The students receive a card like the one in the example. In pairs, they need to understand the situation. And, later, they need to explain the situation to their classmates, but using their own words.

The students who are listening to the story, they should think of a piece of advice to help their friends so to solve their dilemma. We have a debate and the students who are presenting the situation choose the solution that suits them best.

In the next session, students can create their own cards using authentic examples that had happened to them. It’s a fun and engaging activity, students love it!

We encourage you to try it in your sessions, here you have examples of the cards, you can print them and use them in your classes!!!

We hope you like this one,

If you try it, leave a comment and share this post 🙂

Have a nice weekend

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